Sabtu, 28 November 2009

6 Arti Pesan Error dalam Akses Internet

Sering Kali ketika kita sedang Asyik Browsing dan Berinternet Ria muncul pesan Error yang tidak kita kehendaki. Sebenarnya Hal tersebut masih di kategorikan Wajar Karena di pengaruhi Oleh Beberapa Faktor. Anda Harus Tahu apa penyebab dan makna pesan Eror tersebut. Berikut merupakan Faktor-faktor dan Makna pesan Error ketika kita mengakses Internet.

500 – Internal Server Error
Pesan error di atas diartikan sebagai adanya masalah atau kesalahan dalam server internal situs sehingga Anda tidak bisa mengakses situs yang bersangkutan, selama administrator situs belum memperbaiki pesan kesalaahan tersebut.

404 - Not Found
Anda beberapa hal yang menyebabkan tampilnya pesan kesalahan di atas :
* Data di database sebelumnya sudah ada, namun sudah dihapus atau dihilangkan dari database server.
* Terjadi gangguan akses Internet atau down
* Jika akses Internet tetap gagal, maka kemungkinan halaman tersebut memang tidak ada
* Terjadi kesalahan penulisan alamat URL

400 - Bad Request
Pesan kesalahan tersebut dialami oleh server yang tidak bisa mengerti perintah dari client. Penyebabnya pada umumnya berupa kesalahan script coding di server, sehingga hanya administrator server-lah yang bisa mengatasinya.

403 - Forbidden
Pesan kesalahan tersebut memiliki dua alasan :
  • Menandakan bahwa halaman situs tidak adapat diakses karena telah diatur demikian dalam servernya.
  • Owner atau pemilik situs belum membayar sewa hosting ke perusahaan pemilik server, sehingga terjadi pemblokiran dari pihak perusahaan server.

408 - Request Timeout
Pesan ini memiliki alasan bahwa timer atau waktu untuk mengakses situs telah habis. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh kecepatan akses Internet yang cukup lambat, dan server biasanya memiliki timer atau batas waktu tertentu dalam pengaksesan data dalam database-nya.

401 - Unauthorized
Pesan kesalahan tersebut artinya user tidak memiliki otoritas atau izin untuk mengakses halaman web tersebut. Biasanya situs diberi pengaman username dan password, sehingga Anda harus mengerti username dan password situs tersebut.


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Polisi Selidiki Grup Bunuh Diri di Facebook

Sebanyak 208 orang berkomitmen bunuh diri pada 21 Desember dipicu nilai sekolah dan tekanan orangtua.

Polisi Hongkong mencoba mengenali pembuat Facebook dengan bahasa China yang mengajak anggotanya untuk bunuh diri massal. Hampir 190 orang anggotanya berkomitmen untuk melakukan bunuh diri massal pada 21 Desember.

Sekarang grup kedua muncul di Facebook, dan mengajak 98 anggotanya untuk menyatakan akan melakukan bunuh diri massal.

Grup tersebut mengatakan, “Apa artinya hidup? Orang yang anda cintai jatuh cinta kepada orang lain. Orang dewasa selalu saja benar. Kami selalu salah. Mengapa tidak kita meninggal saja bersama?.”

Investigasi terhadap grup tersebut dimulai setelah salah satu anggota grup yang berumur 15 tahun dihentikan oleh temannya ketika dia sedang mencoba melemparkan dirinya dari atap sekolah Hong Kong.

Ketika polisi melacak pendiri grup tersebut, seorang gadis sekolah yang mengklaim bahwa ancaman bunuh diri tersebut dilakukan hanya untuk kesenangan semata dan tidak perlu diambil secara serius.

Biro Kriminal Hong Kong menyelidiki grup Facebook tersebut anggotanya tersebar di beberapa kota berjumlah 7 juta orang dan melakukan kontak untuk mengawasi pertanda kapan dimulainya bunuh diri tersebut.

Bunuh diri remaja termasuk tinggi di Hong Kong. Pakar mengatakan tekanan untuk mencapai nilai yang bagus di sekolah dan faktor orang tua menjadi salah satu pemicu.

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Top 10 Bizarre Modern Paranormal Phenomena

Most of us are familiar with reports of the paranormal around us – whether we ourselves are believers or sceptics. Entities such as ghosts, and mysterious animals like Big Foot and Nessie, have always haunted our collective consciousness. Amongst all the weirdness that purportedly exists in our midst, there are occurrences, which though they may not all be considered new, have earned increasing attention in modern times.

10 Little Creatures

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Ever since the discovery that a hobbit like race actually once existed on the earth, science has been re-examining the possibility that other reported little people may not be entirely mythical. Putting science aside, there have always been those who insist that small humanoid creatures exist amongst us. Recent reports of gnome like or elf like creatures sometimes caught unawares in remote locations have been made. They are often described as being no more than nine inches tall, though with the physical features of a humanoid. Some of them are said to be very hairy. In Mexico and the Caribbean, duendes are small gnome like creatures that sometimes invade the space of normal human beings, either to steal food or for more sinister reasons. Either because of their utter strangeness or some power they possess, they have been said to shock witnesses almost into paralysis until they make their escape. Of course the relationship to fairies and fairy lore here cannot be ignored. In Iceland, belief that elves and other little creatures have real abodes beneath the earth is very strong. People who construct malls and large buildings are sometimes physically impeded from disturbing areas where these little creatures are believed to live, so as not to incur their wrath. Many Icelanders will claim their beliefs are based on actual sightings of these beings. So can we dismiss the elves, gnomes, fairies or whatever we like to call the little creatures we grew up reading about in fairytales as mere myth? Or are they based on very tangible creatures that still exist, and are sometimes inadvertently witnessed today?

9 Giant Raptors


Raptors are birds of prey that hunt for food or feed on carrion. They are usually larger than average birds and have specialised physiology, such as powerful beaks and talons, that help them seize and tear apart their prey. Eagles, vultures and falcons are all considered types of raptors. In recent times however, sightings of giant raptor-like birds have been reported. Disturbed witnesses often describe a raucous cry emitted by the birds. Wingspan averages have varied between 12 – 18 ft, with the birds’ height being estimated at around 3 to 5 feet. Many reports describe the prehistoric appearance of the bird, as well as scaly, lizard-like skin on its legs. Giant raptors have been spotted in places such as Kansas and Oklahoma, usually in wooded areas or near canyons. Witnesses have reported the creature having a stench of rotted meat – which would be understandable given its diet. Raptors have been seen by single witnesses at a time as well as fairly sizable groups of five or more persons. Like the elusive Big Foot, conclusive evidence of their existence in our modern world is yet to be obtained. Are they real remnants from an age past that have somehow survived in small numbers today? Are they all just “misinterpretations” of already known large birds? The questions, and the random sightings, continue.

8 Doppelgangers


An enigmatic German derived word, a Doppelganger is basically a person’s exact double. Apparently they have been seen since early times, and are sometimes known as a “Fetch”. According to Wikipedia, a vardoger is a double in Norse mythology, who actually precedes a living person, performing their actions in advance. In modern times paranormal message boards have several posts from persons claiming to have seen someone in one place, only to meet them later and realise the first sighting was impossible. One woman looking through a large picture window, clearly saw her husband being dropped home by a co-worker. She went to the door to let him in, only to find no sign of either person or the car outside. Her husband arrived home hours later, and confirmed that at the time she thought she saw them, he and his colleague were still four hours away from home. One person was told that he was “heard” arriving home with a friend, five minutes before he actually did so. When he and his partner actually did get home, his waiting friends said their arrival sounded exactly the same, with them making the same noises and even uttering the same words that were heard the first time. Weird, yet apparently not so uncommon. A few people even claimed to have undeniably seen themselves, wearing the same clothing – stating that the double looked equally astonished at the sighting. In folklore, seeing one’s doppelganger is a harbinger of one’s death. Seeing someone else’s “fetch” was also said to portend death. Such notable persons as Percy Shelley and Abraham Lincoln reported having doppelganger experiences. Can these experiences all be explained as tricks of the subconscious mind or the easily misled eye?

7 Time slips

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Time slips and Lost Time are unnerving experiences. They have been surmised to be extraterrestrial encounters, dimensional shifts or even brain strokes. The most disturbing reports are those correlated by more than one person experiencing the same impossible time jump. Characteristically, time slips occur when someone sets out on a journey, long or short, along a familiar path which is clearly defined and should take a specific time to complete. The journeyscientific investigation into this phenomenon. appears normal, except at the end the person realises they have covered a number of miles in an impossibly short space of time. They are unsettled to find themselves at their destination sometimes hours earlier than possible. There have even been cases of “time loss”, where a person set out on a journey, travelled normally, yet arrived at their destination hours later than explainable. Where did the missing time go? Usually it is only upon arrival that the discrepancy in time is noticed. Are there dimensional “warps” we sometimes inadvertently pass through? Could physics someday confirm and explain the existence of these time slips? Enough people continue to have these experiences to justify

6 The Chupacabra


The Chupacabra has been variously described as a dog-like creature with long canine teeth. It was first spotted in Puerto Rico in the 1990’s, and has since been sighted in the Americas and Mexico. Sometimes witnesses report that the animal has a kangaroo like gait. Its name is derived from the Spanish words for “goat sucker”. This refers to its horrifying ability to creep into livestock farms at night, and literally suck the blood of animals until they die. Obviously the similarity to vampire lore and the possibility ofthe animal attacking humans, lead to panic in communities. What is this weird cryptid? Is it really a new animal or, as has been suggested, some kind of starved mutated coyote. Alleged Chupacabra carcasses have been found and examined, with no real conclusions arrived at. Reports of exsanguinated livestock corpses, however, appear to have increased in recent times. Many farmers have adopted armed night time watches hoping to kill this weird predator, before it eventually becomes bolder.

5 PANic in the Woods

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The woods are a mysterious place, full of unseen life and fraught with danger for the unwary. Forests are places of menace in folk and fairy tales. But in our enlightened modern times, could nature inspire sheer unreasoning panic? There are those whose experiences make them certain that nature has an intelligence – and it doesn’t always welcome humans. PANic in the woods has been associated with the mythological Greek God Pan – protector of wild places – whose unseen presence inspires causeless terror. Victims experience a feeling that there is a powerful, sinister force nearby, and sense imminent danger. This usually leads the person to flee the area, desperately seeking out civilization. One curiously common characteristic of PANic, is that people often describe the woods becoming quiet and strange just before the fear starts, except for an unusual, escalating, buzzing sound. At least one article on the phenomenon has been written for Fortean Times Magazine by Patrick Harpur, called “Landscapes of Panic”. Many other alleged actual experiences of panic have been posted on paranormal forums. Is there really a spirit of the woods that shuns humanity? And if so, is PANic it’s way of warning us – and fighting back?

4 Dog Headed Men


Men with the heads of dogs have been reported since ancient times. Cynocephali were supposed to be a race living in Africa, who cannibalized humans. But seeing such beings in modern times would seem incredible, yet there have been increasing reports of these creatures. Most sightings occur at night, though some have happened during daylight hours. Bizarrely, some have reported the men indifferently walking along main roads, attired normally, except they have the head of a dog. Most witnesses insist the head is too real in appearance and lifelike motion to be a mask. Some reports have been more sinister, where the creature has been caught unawares lurking around at night, near woods or the darkness of a backyard. One night-time jogger reported that a dog headed man kept pace with him as he ran across a field, staying alongside until the petrified man finally made it to his well lit doorway. There was one report of a DHM seen through a window from outside a house, lurking towards the kitchen. Other cases describe DHM’s who stand outside at night and look in through windows.

3 Black Stick Men

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The black stick man is another entity encountered in modern times. Not to be confused with the shadow man, incredibly he is even stranger. Stick men are supposed to look like totally black, thin, stick figure drawings, such as teachers would make in kindergarten. They have been reported as between average height to impossibly tall. Their heads are just a black circle with no facial features being discernible. They are totally two dimensional, without any depth. Usually they’ve been sighted walking along roads at night, or at transitional times such as twilight or just before dawn. Bizarrely, some have reported them wearing what appears to be a top hat. Their walk is described as a weird “lolloping” gait. They are surprised when actually seen, and have followed unfortunate witnesses on occasion. Their pace remains leisurely as they approach. Obviously to be pursued by such an otherworldly creature would be anything but pleasant, and those who have encountered them have been understandably terrified. So far however, apart from being bizarrely frightening, they have done no physical harm, and ultimately just disappear.

2 Shadow People


What are shadow people? No one seems to know for sure, even as sightings of these entities continue to be reported. Generally they appear as dark, silhouette figures, usually male, who suddenly walk across hallways, through walls, appear in rooms only to disappear again, and sometimes stand looking at a sleeping person only to eventually vanish once the sleeper has awakened. They have no purpose; don’t seem to be harbingers of any sort. Are they from another dimension? The afterlife? Whatever they are, they have scared enough people to have drawn some increased attention to their shadowy selves.

1 Black Eyed Kids

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It started in 1998 when journalist Brian Bethel gave an account of being approached by two boys as he entered his car. The boys allegedly asked him for a lift. He described experiencing a sudden feeling of fear and panic, while at the same time having an overwhelming urge to open the door for the boys. He then noticed their eyes – they were entirely coal black, with no whites visible. Bethel drove away in fear even as the teens became more insistent. Since his story, several reports of encounters with black-eyed children have been recorded. In one case a woman claimed they asked to be let into her home, becoming agitated when she refused. Their main characteristics are their completely coal black eyes, their tendency to inspire sudden fear and panic, and their need to be invited into a person’s space.


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Asal Usul Teka-Teki Silang

Saat suntuk, atau kadang ketika harus menunggu sesuatu, kita seringkali mudah merasa bosan. Karena itu, berbagai cara kita lakukan. Mulai dari main game yang ada di handphone, mengobrol, hingga mengisi teka teki silang (TTS).

"teka teki silang"

Hal yang terakhir inilah yang sebenarnya paling menantang bagi sebagian orang. Sebab, sembari iseng, bisa sekaligus mengasah kemampuan otak dan menambah pengetahuan. Karena itu, penggemar TTS bisa dikatakan sangat merata. Baik orang remaja, orang dewasa, bahkan anak-anak pun kadang banyak yang memainkan permainan asah otak ini. Tak heran, berbagai media massa, seringkali memberikan TTS pada edisinya sehingga TTS ini menjadi sangat populer di berbagai belahan dunia.

Tapi, tahukah Anda siapa sebenarnya pencipta permainan asah otak ini? Adalah seorang bernama Arthur Wynne yang pada sekitar tahun 1913 yang menciptakan TTS. Suatu ketika, Arthur yang bekerja di sebuah media bernama New York World mendapat tugas dari bosnya untuk membuat semacam permainan yang akan dimuat di media itu pada bagian “fun”. Berbagai hal dicobanya untuk menciptakan permainan yang menarik pembaca.

arthur wynne

Suatu kali, ia teringat pada masa kecilnya. Arthur ingat bahwa ia pernah memainkan sebuah permainan yang dinamakan “Magic Squares”. Permainan itu adalah permainan kata-kata, dimana sang pemain harus menyusun kata agar sama mendatar dan menurun hingga membentuk kotak. Dari permainan ini, ia kemudian mencoba berkreasi dengan menambah luasan kata-kata dengan bentuk yang lebih kompleks. Dan, untuk menyusun hal itu, ia memberi semacam pertanyaan untuk membuka kunci jawabannya.,YgPGqw%7E%7E_12.jpg

TTS ala Arthur ini kemudian muncul pertama kali pada 21 Desember 1913. Bentuknya waktu itu dibuat dengan pola ketupat. Sederhana dan sangat mudah dimainkan. Namun, justru dengan kesederhanaan dan kemudahan ini, membuat banyak orang langsung menyukai permainan ini. Maka, kesuksesan ini segera diikuti oleh berbagai media lain. Dan, saking suksesnya, permainan ini pun dibukukan pada tahun 1924.

Kemudian, pada tahun 1942-an, New York Times, koran ternama di Amerika membuat semacam standar untuk TTS. Standar itu seperti bentuk yang simetris dan panjang kata minimal tiga huruf. Hal ini membuat permainan TTS makin asyik dan populer, hingga akhirnya menyebar ke berbagai belahan dunia.

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Terowongan Bawah Tanah yang Tidak di Ketahui di Dunia

Gambar ini menunjukkan sebuah lengkungan parabola menakjubkan. Megatron drain di bawah Sheffield, Inggris.

gambar ini di ambil di London Relief Storm Sewer, dijuluki Labyrinth, benar-benar sinematik.

The Japan’s Futuristic Underground Flood Tunnel looks like it would make a great level for Quake or Unreal.

sungai tyburn, seperti kebanyakan anak sungai dari thames yang melintas di pusat kota London menjadi alat untuk saluran pembuangan. tempat ini terkenal sangat menakutkan, tidak kurang karena tempat ini terkenal sebagai tempat eksekusi publik yang dilakukan secara tradisional.

Armada Sewer, London. Yang menjadi tempat klasik penjelajah perkotaan yang telah mengambil beberapa gambar yang luar biasa seperti ini.

Tailrace Rankine Niagara Falls. Ini adalah salah satu dari tujuh keajaiban yang diabaikan dunia modern. Miliaran galon air akan terhisap dari Niagara dekat sungai dan melemparkannya ke bawah tanah melalui 10 turbin raksasa. terowongan ini kemudian menyalurkan air limbah yang tidak berguna jatuh keluar terowongan.

Saluran air bawah tanah Australia. Badai saluran terpisah yang umum di bawah kota-kota Australia dan biasanya dieksplorasi oleh kelompok eksplorasi perkotaan terkenal yang disebut Gua Clan.

Crystal Phallus drain, Birmingham.

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Ilmuwan Benarkan Akan Terjadi Tsunami Matahari
Pesawat ruang angkasa STEREO (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory) mengkonfirmasi gambar yang ditangkap kamera pada bulan Februari lalu ketika sunspot 11012 secara tiba-tiba meletup.

Ledakan itu melepaskan miliaran ton awan gas (coronal mass ejection/ CME) ke ruang angkasa dan menimbulkan gelombang panas tsunami sepanjang permukaan Matahari.

STEREO merekam gelombang tersebut dari dua posisi yang berjarak 90 derajat, dan memberikan peneliti yang belum pernah terlihat sebelumnya.

“Itu sudah pasti sebuah gelombang,” kata Spiros Patsourakos dari Universitas George Mason, Virginia yang juga seorang penulis utama di Journal Astrofisika. “Bukan gelombang air, tetapi gelombang raksasa yang terdiri dari plasma dan magnetik panas” ia menambahkan.

Nama teknis untuk gelombang itu adalah “gelombang magnetohydrodynamic” atau disingkat dengan gelombang MHD. Salah satu gelombang yang dilihat STEREO menjulang hingga ketinggian 100 ribu kilometer dengan kecepatan 250 km/detik,dan membawa energi setara dengan 2.400 megaton bahan peledak.

Tsunami Matahari ditemukan di tahun 1997 oleh Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). Pada bulan yang sama di tahun itu, CME meledak di daerah permukaan matahari yang aktif, dan SOHO merekam semua itu.

“Kami berpikir, apakah itu sebuah gelombang atau hanya sebatas cahaya dari CME?,” kata Joe Gurman dari Solar Physics Lab.

Menurut kacamata STEREO, sudut pandang yang diambil oleh SOHO tidak menjawab pertanyaan atas gelombang yang tercipta.

“Kami telah melihat gelombang berefleksi adari lubang corona (lubang magnetis dalam atmosfer matahari),” kata Angelos Vourlidas, dari pusat observasi bumi dan penelitian ruang anglasa di universitas George Mason, Fairfax.

Ia menambahkan"Ada film yang indah menggambarkan osiliasi matahari setelah terkena gelombang. Kami menyebutnya gelombang menari."

Tsunami Matahari tidak memberikan ancaman secara langsung pada bumi. Namun tidak dapat dipungkiri, hal ini adalah studi yang sangat penting, ilmuwan mengatakan.

“Kita dapat mendiagnosa kondisi matahari,” Gurman mengatakan. “Dengan melihat bagaimana gelombang menyebar dan terpental, kita dapat mengumpulkan informasi tentang matahari dari sisi atmosfer yang lebih mendalam, dan tidak ada cara yang lain."

“Gelobang Tunami (matahari) dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kita untuk memprediksi cuaca di ruang angkasa,” Vourlidas menambahkan.

"Dengan tepat sasaran mereka menandai tempat di mana letusan terjadi. Penentuan lokasi ledakan dapat membantu kami mengantisipasi ketika CME atau radiasi mencapai Bumi," tambahnya.


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10 Buah Sayuran dan Buah Terbesar di Dunia

Seandainya saja semua petani di Indonesia bisa membuat sayuran atau buah-buahan sebesar ini, mungkin tidak akan terjadi kelaparan, terutama pada daerah-daerah terpencil.

Berikut ini kami sajikan 10 sayuran/ buah terbesat di dunia yang tercatat dalam rekor dunia (Guinness Book of Records).

1. Ubi (Sweet Potato) dengan berat 11,2 kg
Dimiliki oleh petani dari Lebanon, Khalil Semhat

2. Marrow (sejenis pare) dengan berat 65 kg

Pemiliknya bernama Ken Dade dari Norfolk

3. Buah Nangka (jackfruit) dengan berat 34,4 kg

George dan Margaret Schattauer dari Captai Cook, Hawaii, USA

4. Kol (cabbage) dengan berat 34.4 kg

John Evans di Palmer, Alaska

5. Semangka dengan berat 122 kg

Lloyd Bright

7. Wortel (carrot) dengan berat 8,5 kg

John Evan

8. Labu (pumpkin) dengan berat 766 kg

Rhode Island

8. Timun dengan panjang mencapai 0,9 m

Alf Cobb

9. Kembang Kol (Cauliflower) dengan berat 14,1 kg


10. Brokoli (Broccoli) dengan berat 15,8 kg

John Evans


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Keajaiban Makam dari Jaman China Kuno

Makam kaisar Tiongkok, Qin Shi Huang, disebut-sebut sebagai salah satu penemuan arkeologi terbesar abad ke-20. Sejarah mencatat, Qin Shi Huang merupakan kaisar pertama Dinasti Qin yang memimpin Tiongkok diantara periode 221 SM – 210 SM. Salah satu karya monumentalnya selain penyempurnaan konstruksi bangunan Tembok Besar China ialah pembangunan makam agungnya sendiri. Berbeda dengan Fir’aun Mesir Kuno, Cheops (Khufu) yang memilih untuk membangun sebuah Piramida Agung di Giza sebagai tempat peristirahatan terakhirnya, Kaisar Qin Shi Huang lebih memilih menjadikan makamnya bak sebuah Istana dengan penjagaan ribuan patung prajuritnya.

Makam sang kaisar memang begitu mempesona. Terdapat kurang lebih 8000 patung yang menggambarkan sosok para prajurit beserta kuda-kuda perang berdiri berjejer disepanjang makam. Yang lebih menarik lagi, semua patung-patung tersebut tidaklah sama antara satu dengan yang lainnya baik itu bentuk pakaian, mimik wajah, model rambut, hingga persenjataan yang mereka bawa. Selain itu, mereka juga dibedakan oleh pangkat kemiliterannya seperti Jendral, perwira, hingga para prajurit biasa. Patung prajurit yang memiliki ukuran tubuh paling tinggi ialah yang berpangkat jendral.

Patung-patung yang disebut sebagai Prajurit Terracotta ini keselururuhan terbuat dari tanah liat yang dibentuk didalam cetakan. Tingginya pun bervariasi antara 183 – 195 cm. Untuk bagian kepala, dibuat secara terpisah dari bagian badan agar memiliki bentuk dan mimik wajah yang berbeda satu sama lain. Sementara bagian-bagian wajah seperti bibir, mata, dan telinga ditambahkan secara manual dan bentuknya disempurnakan oleh polesan tangan si pematung. Patung yang telah jadi kemudian dibakar agar dihasilkan konstruksi yang lebih keras dan kokoh. Untuk tahap akhir, dilakukan pengecatan walaupun kebanyakan patung kini catnya telah memudar.

Sejak ditemukan oleh beberapa petani lokal diwilayah Xi’an, Propinsi Shaanxi, China ditahun 1974 silam, hingga kini masih terus dilakukan penggalian di sana. Para Arkelog memperkirakan masih banyak patung dan artifak-artifak lainnya yang masih terpendam. Mereka juga belum dapat memastikan berapa jumlah angka-angka penemuan ini akan terus bertambah. Kalkulasi terbaru menyebutkan, terdapat lebih dari 8000 patung prajurit, 130 kereta perang beserta 520 kudanya, serta 150 pasukan berkuda yang terdapat di tiga terowongan utama makam. Sungguh merupakan pemandangan yang menakjubkan mengingat baru satu persen dari keseluruhan bagian makam yang telah digali!

Tidak semua harta benda dan perhiasan sang kaisar telah ditemukan. Konon, masih banyak harta benda berharga Kaisar Qin Shi Huang yang tersimpan disuatu bagian makam, dimana ditempat itu terpasang perangkap-perangkap yang dapat menembakkan anak panah secara otomatis kepada siapapun yang berani mengusiknya. Bahkan diyakini para pekerja yang memasang perangkap-perangkap tersebut turut dikuburkan hidup-hidup agar kerahasiannya tetap terjaga. Terdengar cukup menakutkan, bukan?

Menurut sejarawan Sima Qian (145 – 90 SM), pembangunan makam agung kaisar Qin Shi Huang dimulai disekitar 246 SM – disaat usia sang Kaisar baru menginjak 13 tahun – dengan memperkerjakan kurang lebih 700.000 pekerja. Namun apa tujuan Kaisar Qin Shi Huang membangun semua ini?

Faktanya, makam ini didirikan sebagai gambaran akan sebuah istana bawah tanah yang begitu besar dan mewah. Bahkan dikatakan ia adalah istana bawah tanah dengan struktur paling rumit dalam kemegahan dan fasilitasnya. Tiruan sungai yang terbuat dari air raksa serta langit-langit dengan hiasaan mutiara turut mempercantik istana. Kepercayaan di lingkungan kerajaan menyebutkan bahwa Kaisar Qin Shi Huang akan terus memimpin kerajaan dikehidupan berikutnya (alam baka/akhirat). Untuk itu ia membutuhkan sebuah istana sebagai pusat kerajaan, lengkap beserta para bala tentaranya dan pegawai-pegawai pemerintahan


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10 Commonly Believed Myths

10 Five Senses

1668 Gc3A9Rard De Lairesse - Allegory Of The Five Senses

The error: We have five body senses – sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste.

These are the traditional five senses, but there are in fact many more – some say up to 21. Obvious additions to the list are balance, pain, and temperature. Furthermore, we have internal senses which traditionally number four: imagination, memory, common sense (not to be confused with commonsense which many people lack!), and the estimative power. Wikipedia has a very interesting article which covers the large number of senses seldom mentioned.

9 The Rainbow Lie

Supernumerary Rainbow 03 Contrast

The error: A rainbow has seven colors

We are, no doubt, all familiar with the old phrase “Roy G. Biv” used to remember the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. This series of colors was coined by Newton who initially excluded indigo and violet. While a rainbow does appear to have seven colors, it is, in fact, one continuous spectrum of color and it is merely an artifact of human color perception that makes it appear to be a series of bands. There are also things called supernumerary rainbows which have more than 7 bands visible to the human eye (pictured above – note the extra green and purple bands at the bottom of the rainbow).

8 Cold Comfort

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The error: Drinking alcohol warms you up

This is entirely untrue – yet it is still commonly seen as an antidote to coldness in movies, and people still believe the myth about the St Bernard dogs with casks of liquor around their necks! In fact, when you drink alcohol, your body temperature drops! This is because alcohol allows more blood to reach the surface of the body, and more heat is radiated or conducted away. Any feeling of warmth experienced after drinking alcohol is explained by the fact that this flow of blood to the surface warms the skin and the ends of the sensory nerves in the skin, and these convey to the brain a sensation of warmth. The fact that alcohol actually lowers the temperature of the body was first announced by Sir B. Ward Richardson in 1866 to the British Association.

7 Quake with Fear


The error: Small earthquakes can reduce the chance of a big one

There is a common myth (particularly in New Zealand where earthquakes are common) that if you have a lot of small earthquakes, it helps to alleviate the pressures building up that can cause a big one. But this is not true. Seismologists have observed that for every magnitude 6 earthquake there are 10 of magnitude 5, 100 of magnitude 4, 1,000 of magnitude 3, and so forth as the events get smaller and smaller. This sounds like a lot of small earthquakes, but there are never enough small ones to eliminate the occasional large event. It would take 32 magnitude 5’s, 1000 magnitude 4’s, 32,000 magnitude 3’s to equal the energy of one magnitude 6 event. So, even though we always record many more small events than large ones, there are never enough to eliminate the need for the occasional large earthquake.

6 Don’t Swim


The error: You must wait 30 minutes after eating before swimming

While there is a theoretical concern based on the fact that the body diverts the circulation of blood to the gut and away from the muscles that this might possibly cause a cramp, no one has ever drowned because they went swimming with a full tummy. Going swimming after eating a big meal might make you uncomfortable, but it won’t cause you to drown. And even if you did get a cramp, in most cases you could easily exit the water before any real damage is done.

5 Population Explosion

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The error: The earth is dangerously overpopulated or is getting close to being so

This is a myth which has been around for quite some time – from the Anglican minister Malthus in the 18th century who said: “The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for man” to environmentalists who see humans as evil in comparison to the rest of nature. But, in truth, the world is a big place with plenty of space. So, how much land does it take to hold 6 billion people? To give you an idea, consider the small nation of Japan. It has about 143,000 square miles of area. One square mile has 5280 * 5280 = 27.9 million square feet. Japan has a total of about 4 trillion square feet, enough to give each person of the earth 670 square feet. If we housed people in families of four in simple two-level buildings (8 people per building, one family of four per level), each building could be on a lot of over 5300 square feet. If we used the American average of 8,000 square feet to four people, the entire population of the planet would fit into a space as big as Texas and Nevada combined – leaving the rest of the land for food production and entertainment venues. I should also mention that many countries in the west are now in a period of population implosion as families are getting smaller.

4 Cellphone Plane Crash

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The error: Using a cellphone on a plane can cause interference and, consequently, a crash.

The FAA has tested all sorts of electronic devices for 25 years, at 100 times the RF interference levels—and nothing happened. The FAA simply states that no link between operating the devices has been proved. It’s been left up to the airlines to determine their own policy—and that policy is to put away your Blackberry. By using your cellphone during flight, you risk interfering with a flight crew—but the plane won’t crash. Consequently, some airlines are now allowing the use of cellphones during flights.

3 Grumpy Old Men


The error: When you get older, you become bad tempered

A recent study found that our personalities don’t change much after age 30. So, if you’re cheerful and gregarious in your 40s, you can expect to be the same in your 80s. Marked personality changes some seniors experience are due not to normal aging but to some related disease like dementia or stroke. This is something worth considering when you are planning to marry in your thirties – your future spouse probably behaves now the same way he or she will for the rest of his or her life.

2 Raw Fish


The error: Sushi is raw fish

Sushi does not mean raw fish, and not all sushi includes raw fish. The usual Japanese term for raw fish is sashimi. The term sushi actually refers to the way the rice is prepared with a vinegary dressing. Toppings for the rice may traditionally include raw fish—but also cooked seafood, fish roe, egg, or vegetables such as cucumber, daikon radish, or ume plum. The dish constituting sushi and other fillings wrapped in a seaweed is referred to as makizushi, not sushi.

1 Are you a Cop?


The error: In the United States, a policeman must answer truthfully when asked if he is a cop

Entrapment law in the United States does not forbid police officers from denying that they are police. It is more concerned with enticing people to commit crimes they would not, in the normal course of events, have considered. This is an error that is frequently seen in movies – or perhaps it is just that films are realistically depicting people who believe the myth – though I doubt it.


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